Do you want to change your life? Then let me change your space!

And we are back! It is a new week, but we will be discussing the same subject. I decided this week to continue last week’s blog post because many of you are really interested to know more about it. But today we will dig deeper. (And yes I am excited )

In case you don’t know what I am talking about, we are discussing Feng Shuai (if you missed my last post you can check it here: here  .It is a must-read if you don’t know the meaning of Feng Shuai and the tools that are used.)

Again, I know this topic can be so confusing but you can always count on me! I will make it as easy as possible for you to understand and to apply! It is fine you can thank me later by sharing.

Joy why Feng shui? Is it scientifically proven? Do you know it works? Why now and why in quarantine? 

Let us be honest, when I first chose the topic I asked a million questions just like you are asking now. My answer would be: Feng shui is known for changing your life, every single part of it, and with no budget needed. It works by only moving your furniture around and adding some accessories. So now my question to you would be: If there is a 50% chance that shifting your furniture might affect your whole life wouldn’t you try it and for free?

Now that we both answered yes on my last question we can proceed!

As a recap, we all know by now that feng shui focuses on energy that is called CHI. It also aids the flow of this energy in positive directions that will improve your finances, mood, and life. The most important point to remember is that the flow of energy (CHI) shouldn’t be blocked in any space in your apartment. I want you to imagine this energy as water. Close your eyes and imagine a wave of water coming from your entrance door. Would the water travel through your whole space without being interrupted by objects, clutter, or furniture? Does it reach every corner in every room? If your answer is yes then you are on the right track, and if it is a no then we need to start moving things.

The enemies of Chi are clutter and dark spaces. Always remember if you want to have positive energy traveling in your space you first need to declutter and NO I DON’T MEAN PICK UP THE CLUTTER FROM THE FLOOR AND TOSS THEM IN A HIDDEN CABINET. We both know it is true! Just get rid of anything that you don’t need. Get rid of objects that give you negative energy and bad memories. (Some exes photos and stuff maybe?)

So now that you know all the basics, let me guide you on how to apply feng shui in every room of your home.

Come on get up and let us start from the outside! Take me with you!

Front Porch- Front Door

This is where everything starts. The flow of energy starts and comes in from your front door so this space is extremely important to us. For the energy to reach the space we need it to be clean, clear, and uncluttered. You might want to get some plants on the sides and a greeting mat but do not keep things in the way. More important than space is the door. The door is what invites the positive energy inside. It should be bright and welcoming.

Now that we have the positive energy inside the house we stand in our foyer. (Foyer is not an actual room but it can be. It is the space that you have directly when you step inside your home.)


Now we want the energy to flow inside your home traveling from one room into the other. We kind of want to trap it inside your home and don’t want it to go outside again. Hence, what we need from this space is to help us guide this energy to flow into our home. Let us start by removing your shoes from the entrance. But joy what about Covid19 and the pandemic? We can’t go in the house with our shoes on. That is why we need to carefully place them in a very neat and decent way under the bench that we have at the entrance. Or in storage boxes under the console table. If you are willing to go the extra mile just try to get a good looking cabinet and store them in it (out of sight). After decluttering the foyer add some plants because they enhance the chi flow. Also, we can add some family photos, and landscape paintings. Paintings are considered as an additional window and also enhances the flow of energy. 

Congratulations you managed to get the positive energy inside your home! Now we have it in our living room.

Living Room

Let us check your living room together. Do you have the couch against the wall with the tv screen hidden? Is your space and coffee table cluttered? If yes, let me stop here and tell you how it should be. We want to step into your living room and see the couch against the wall but not really touching the wall, in feng shui this layout enhances the energy flow and the feel of support and stability. We want to add a circular or oval-shaped coffee table because it will help the energy flow smoothly. We will add some plants to invite more wellness, growth, and kindness. And yes I will say it a million times, WE WILL DECLUTTER THE ROOM! And finally, don’t kill me but we will need to hide your TV screens. I know you guys love your screens and you have probably paid a fortune to get one and show it off to your guests. But screens send of reflections and can make negative energy in the space. But if you love it that much this means we need to build a special unit just for it, with doors that can close, ok bye!

Kitchen time!

I think you have already memorized that you need to declutter every room so I will not repeat it anymore. But what I want to focus on is the souvenirs you have on your refrigerator surface door. I love them but we need to find them another place because they emit negative energy. One more thing to know about kitchen feng shui, the triangular plan layout. Yes, it is about functionality as much as it is about aesthetics. We need our stove, refrigerator, and sink placed in a way that forms a triangle.  I know this point cannot be changed now if you already live in the house but it is something you can take into consideration later on. To conclude the kitchen feng shui, I need you to fix the dripping faucet or leaking tap if you have any. Joy how does this relate? Well in feng shui, water symbolizes wealth and money and you really don’t want your money draining do you?


We managed to let the energy flow to your bedroom good job! There are several things to consider in the bedroom. Let us start by your bed’s position. Stand in front of your bedroom door. If you draw a line from the door to the wall facing you, is your bed above this line? It shouldn’t be because as we said in the beginning, we don’t want anything blocking the energy flow. Our bed should be diagonally placed from the door. And when you are sitting in your bed you can see the door. You also need a solid wood headboard above your bed. We need two side tables, one on each side. We definitely need natural light and fresh air so be sure not to block your windows. Artwork can be added or photos of you and your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. The bedroom represents your love and relationship goals so make sure that every photograph reflects that. Be sure to stay away from family photos and artwork of lonely personas. (because having such artwork will directly reflect on your relationships in real life). A big NO-NO would be, having mirrors reflecting your bed. In feng shui, this means as if you are inviting a third party in your relationship and it means your partner is cheating or having an affair and I am sure you don’t want that! Decluttering and adding plants, as usual, are a must.

Finally the Bathroom

Let us say we really don’t want the energy flowing here! This space is where we release all our negative energy and we don’t want the negative energy coming inside our homes. So that is why it is extremely important to put the toilet lid down and close the bathroom door!

And the tour is over! But I have some important points to discuss with you before we wrap this post up. Everything we discussed now goes hand in hand with my previous post. That means after you overlap your home plan and the Bagua you will identify what room in your house is in what quadrant. This will help you choose your colors and accessories. To know how to draw your home Bagua check my latest Instagram post.

And the most important thing I have to add is that you have to use all the five elements in every room to balance the energy. And if you want to enhance let us say the wealth area of your life, search for the room responding to this area in your plan, and add accessories and colors related to the element of this quadrant. (If you thought I was talking Chinese than you have to go back and check my last post to understand what I mean by elements, quadrant, and

If you have any question I will be more than happy to answer, just leave me a comment!

Thank you for the home tour and I really hope you enjoyed this post! If you did don’t forget the share it!

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 Note that i don't take credit for any image in this blog post!



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